12th international experts’ conference




OCTOBER 3 – 4, 2022


Pavel Bureš

Chief Technical Officer
Energy financial group a.s.

Czech Republic


Biomethane as a way to energy self-sufficiency.

Biometan jako cesta k energetické soběstačnosti.

Key Words

Biomethane, gastro-waste, biogas station, energy.


Energy financial group a.s. (EFG) takes part in the scientific development focused on improving well-known procedures as well as discovering new technologies which are the suitable alternative to the outdated and environmental-damaging means of obtaining energy.

EFG is the pioneer in biomethane production in the Czech republic. It distributes biomethane to the grid from its waste-processing biogas station in the city of Rapotín.

EFG Vyškov BPS is the second biogas station the company owns. Biodegradable waste is being processed in an environmentally friendly way in both of these biogas stations while it is being utilized and transformed into energy in the form of biomethane.

Whereas biogas can be used only for electricity and heat production, after upgrading to biomethane it can be used in the same way as earth gas. It can be distributed to the gas grid and also used as a biofuel BioCNG in all devices that are fuelled by gas without the need for any further modification. The big advantage in comparison to the other renewable sources of energy is the accumulation potential of biomethane and the possibility of its continual production which does not depend on the weather. These are the main reasons why biomethane plays a very important role in the process of decarbonization of the energy and transportation sector and is an integral part of the climate plans of the Czech Republic as well as the European Union.

Our company believes that a new era is coming for the gas and energy sector. The era which will offer great opportunities for biomethane production and utilization.

Lecturer’s Profile

Pavel Bureš is  the CTO of EFG. He is responsible for the successful development of Rapotín biogas station including biomethane upgrading unit installation.
Thanks to his experience, economic effectiveness has risen by more than 20 %.
He is the former project manager of the general biogas station supplier for the EU region.

Organization’s Profile

Energy financial group a.s. is focused on enforcing the principles of the circular economy through investments in the development, innovation and operation of environmentally friendly energy solutions utilizing secondary feedstocks and renewable sources of energy.

Kľúčové slová

Biometan, gastroodpad, bioplynová stanice, energetika


Pavel Bureš působí jako technický ředitel společnosti EFG a je zodpovědný například za úspěšné rozšíření provozovny v Rapotíně o výrobní jednotku upgradingu bioplynu na biometan. Díky jeho zkušenostem se zvýšila ekonomická efektivita zařízení o více než 20 %. Dříve působil jako projektový manažer generálního dodavatele bioplynových stanic pro oblast EU.

Profil prednášajúceho

Pavel Bureš působí jako technický ředitel společnosti EFG a je zodpovědný například za úspěšné rozšíření provozovny v Rapotíně o výrobní jednotku upgradingu bioplynu na biometan. Díky jeho zkušenostem se zvýšila ekonomická efektivita zařízení o více než 20 %. Dříve působil jako projektový manažer generálního dodavatele bioplynových stanic pro oblast EU.

Profil organizácie

Investiční skupina Energy financial group se věnuje prosazování zásad cirkulární ekonomiky prostřednictvím investic do výstavby, provozu a inovací ekologicky šetrných energetických zařízení využívajících druhotné suroviny a obnovitelné zdroje energie.