OCTOBER 4 - 5, 2021
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Hoffmeyer
Nehlsen AG
Less waste, Less landfill, More Recycling.
Menej odpadu, menej skládok, viac recyklácie.
Key Words
Separate waste collection, substitution of raw materials, green deal, circular economy, establishment of payable systems, PPPs, interaction & connection
Less waste, Less landfill, More recycling
Increasing population growth means an increasement of waste amount and automatically an increasement of the whole carbon oxygen consumption, worldwide.
In order to keep the air clean and to protect world’s resources, innovative and effective solutions for waste prevention and waste management are necessary. Nehlsen set its vision along the solution of these problems.
The key to take responsibility for one’s own consumption is to become aware of its impacts and to be ready to change. With powerful PPPs between, on the one hand proved concept-providers and on the other hand willing people to make a change, the necessary steps can be taken to go into a green future.
How to achieve this aim?
- Separate collection
- Tailor-made concepts for communities and commercial & industrial sector
- Substitution of raw materials by recycling / Green deal
- Positive impacts by circular economy due to recycling
Establishment / Implementation:
- How to establish payable, new systems – step by step
- PPP – one successful model: bundling of several quantities
- How to connect/interact? Local recycling streams to regional + international markets
Lecturer’s Profile
Date & Place of birth: 13.03.1959 in Bremen
Family: Married, 5 children
Education: Graduated engineer environmental technology, University Berlin
Current position: Chairman of the supervisory boards of Nehlsen AG and elko AG
1988-1990 Managing Director of city cleaning of Luanda, P.R. Angola
Since 1991 Managing Director of sister companies in East Germany
1995-2001 Managing Partner of Holding Nehlsen GmbH & Co. KG
Since 2001 Chairman of Nehlsen AG
2004-2008 President of the Federal Association of German Waste Management Industry (BDE)
2004-2008 Vice President of European Waste Management association (FEAD)
2006-2009 Presidium Member of BDI (German Industrial Association)
Since 2010 Member of the plenum of the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Since 2012 President of the 7th governmental commission of Lower Saxony
Since 2013 Honourable senator of the University of Bremen
Since 2015 chairman of the supervisory board elko AG, Bremen
Organization’s Profile
Nehlsen is a future-oriented company with the core business areas of recycling, waste management and cleaning. Since its foundation in 1923 until today, we have always successfully faced new challenges. Since environmental and climate issues are particularly close to our hearts, we and our approximately 2,500 employees at over 60 national and international locations work daily to provide innovative and resource-saving services. We offer tailor-made, efficient and inexpensive waste management solutions for every type of waste and have been able to establish ourselves as one of the largest waste management companies in Germany over the years. Due to our innovative plants, we are able to obtain new secondary raw materials from more and more waste, which are made available to industry for various purposes. On these pages you can read more about Nehlsen, about the company’s almost 100-year history and about our company philosophy.
Since the foundation of the company by Karl Nehlsen the company has been family owned.