ENVIROMANAGEMENT is the premier Waste and Resource conference in Slovakia. Each year, it offers the chance to learn more about specialist topics affecting the waste and recycling industry, and also to network with experts from 20* European countries in a beautiful and unique setting.
This year, the theme for will be “MANAGING SOLID WASTE AND RESOURCES PROPERLY . . . failing to plan is planning to fail”.
Waste and recycling projects are notoriously difficult to realise, particularly those involving new infrastructure and services. These often involve complex financing arrangements, detailed legal agreements, managing the views of a diverse range of stakeholders, developing intricate technical designs, and conducting thorough environmental investigations. As a result, these projects can often have long lead in times and cost huge sums of money, even before a single brick has been laid.
Please come and join us at Enviromanagement 2024 in the High Tatras, where we will delve into the many facets of planning successful waste and resource management projects, and provide case studies based on actual experience of our expert speakers.
* At least once at the conference represented countries:
Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, Switzerland, Sweden, Italy, UK, Ukraine
Here’s a taste of the preliminary programme we have developed so far . . .
[example of presentation:
David Robert Newman, European Bioeconomy Bureau, Brussels, Belgium
Update on EU Policies – The New Europe: What the Brussels landscape is likely to look like.Jozef Richtarčík, Enviconsulting, s.r.o., Malý Slavkov, Slovakia
The current legislative framework for EIAs in the Slovak Republic – Practical experience, problem areas, key issues, and impacts typically addressed in waste management EIAs.Christian Schreyer, Umbrella Organization of Styrian Waste Management Associations, Seiersberg-Pirka, Austria
Poor Planning Today – Creating Tomorrow’s Mistakes. A look back at 30 years operation of communal drop-off centers.Helga Stoiber, UVP Environmental Management and Engineering GmbH, Vienna, Austria
Avoiding a Bumpy Ride: How rigorous EIAs and project communication can pave the way to project success – Insights from three decades Waste-to-Energy permitting in Austria.]MONITORING SUCCESS OF WASTE INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS - AVOIDING SUNKEN INVESTMENTS
[example of presentation:
Jozef Halaška, Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava, Slovakia
News in waste management projects support compared to the previous Operational program Quality of the Environment.Michal Hort, EOSNEBOTRA, a.s., Bratislava, Slovakia
Possibilities of grants for the „green“ projects.Pavel Novák, Odpadová poradenská, s.r.o., Prague, Czech Republic
The Czech Republic is NOT at risk of not achieving EU Waste targets in 2025 – Has our approach to planning gotten us into this situation?Peter Person, Environmental Fund, Bratislava, Slovakia
Environmental Fund: Loans & Modernization Fund.Jozef Semančín, Law Firm SEMANČÍN & PARTNERS s.r.o., Bratislava, Slovakia
How to talk with banks to get financing on time. What to do and what to avoid doing.Martin Steiner, TBU Environmental Engineering Consultants, Innsbruck, Austria
Avoiding the creation of stranded assets – Lessons learned from projects financed by International Finance Institutions.]COLLECTION AND TRANSPORT
[example of presentation:
Konstantins Makejevs, Mappost Ltd., Riga, Latvia
Waste Collection Logistics – Advanced Route and Resource Planning Optimization.Jarno Stet, Westminster City Council, London, UK
Waste Collection and Transport Within the City of Westminster, London.Evelyn Wolfslehner, Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Wien, Austria
Waste from road to rail: Experiences from a long-term project, and outlook – Mandatory rail transport of certain wastes from 2023 in (and through) Austria.]TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL
[example of presentation:
Euston Ling, North London Waste Authority, London, UK
Lessons learnt so far on the ongoing journey of implementing a 2,000 tpd WtE facility . . .
Planning, Engineering, Architecture, Environment, Traffic, Consultation, Contracts, and Funding = RISKS!Michal Repašský, Bright Renewables B.V., Enschede, The Netherlands
Planning of Biomethane facility. From substrates to Biogas and Biomethane.]CASE STUDIES - SUCCESS STORIES
[example of presentation:
Leonardo Benuzzi, Sartori Ambiente Srl, Arco, Italy
From collecting waste to collecting data: A digitalisation journey towards the bin as a waste meter.Florian Ennemoser & Armin Wolf, Wiegon GmbH, Landeck, Austria
The future of the recycling center is digital.Kornelia Giersig, Innsbruck University Hospital, Innsbruck, Austria
Case Study: Managing healthcare (and related) waste in a large hospital – Constant observation and adaption of procedures are the keys to success.Peter Pajerchin, BRANTNER Slovakia s.r.o., Bratislava, Slovakia
The Center for Energy and Biological Waste Recovery (CEBZ) – Bold idea execution in Slovak conditions.]HOT TOPICS
[example of presentation:
Roman Hubálek, TOMRA Sorting s.r.o., Senec, Slovakia
Automatic optical sorting of separated and mixed municipal waste.]

ENVIROMANAGEMENT is the premier Waste and Resource conference in Slovakia. Each year, it offers the chance to learn more about specialist topics affecting the waste and recycling industry, and also to network with experts from 20* European countries in a beautiful and unique setting. This year, the theme for will be “MANAGING SOLID WASTE AND RESOURCES PROPERLY . . . failing to plan is planning to fail”.
Waste and recycling projects are notoriously difficult to realise, particularly those involving new infrastructure and services. These often involve complex financing arrangements, detailed legal agreements, managing the views of a diverse range of stakeholders, developing intricate technical designs, and conducting thorough environmental investigations. As a result, these projects can often have long lead in times and cost huge sums of money, even before a single brick has been laid.
Please come and join us at Enviromanagement 2024 in the High Tatras, where we will delve into the many facets of planning successful waste and resource management projects, and provide case studies based on actual experience of our expert speakers.
* At least once at the conference represented countries:
Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, Switzerland, Sweden, Italy, UK, Ukraine
Here’s a taste of the preliminary programme we have developed so far . . .
[example of presentation:
David Robert Newman, European Bioeconomy Bureau, Brussels, Belgium
Update on EU Policies – The New Europe: What the Brussels landscape is likely to look like.Jozef Richtarčík, Enviconsulting, s.r.o., Malý Slavkov, Slovakia
The current legislative framework for EIAs in the Slovak Republic – Practical experience, problem areas, key issues, and impacts typically addressed in waste management EIAs.Christian Schreyer, Umbrella Organization of Styrian Waste Management Associations, Seiersberg-Pirka, Austria
Poor Planning Today – Creating Tomorrow’s Mistakes. A look back at 30 years operation of communal drop-off centers.Helga Stoiber, UVP Environmental Management and Engineering GmbH, Vienna, Austria
Avoiding a Bumpy Ride: How rigorous EIAs and project communication can pave the way to project success – Insights from three decades Waste-to-Energy permitting in Austria.]MONITORING SUCCESS OF WASTE INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS - AVOIDING SUNKEN INVESTMENTS
[example of presentation:
Jozef Halaška, Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava, Slovakia
News in waste management projects support compared to the previous Operational program Quality of the Environment.Michal Hort, EOSNEBOTRA, a.s., Bratislava, Slovakia
Possibilities of grants for the „green“ projects.Pavel Novák, Odpadová poradenská, s.r.o., Prague, Czech Republic
The Czech Republic is NOT at risk of not achieving EU Waste targets in 2025 – Has our approach to planning gotten us into this situation?Peter Person, Environmental Fund, Bratislava, Slovakia
Environmental Fund: Loans & Modernization Fund.Jozef Semančín, Law Firm SEMANČÍN & PARTNERS s.r.o., Bratislava, Slovakia
How to talk with banks to get financing on time. What to do and what to avoid doing.Martin Steiner, TBU Environmental Engineering Consultants, Innsbruck, Austria
Avoiding the creation of stranded assets – Lessons learned from projects financed by International Finance Institutions.]COLLECTION AND TRANSPORT
[example of presentation:
Konstantins Makejevs, Mappost Ltd., Riga, Latvia
Waste Collection Logistics – Advanced Route and Resource Planning Optimization.Jarno Stet, Westminster City Council, London, UK
Waste Collection and Transport Within the City of Westminster, London.Evelyn Wolfslehner, Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Wien, Austria
Waste from road to rail: Experiences from a long-term project, and outlook – Mandatory rail transport of certain wastes from 2023 in (and through) Austria.]TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL
[example of presentation:
Euston Ling, North London Waste Authority, London, UK
Lessons learnt so far on the ongoing journey of implementing a 2,000 tpd WtE facility . . .
Planning, Engineering, Architecture, Environment, Traffic, Consultation, Contracts, and Funding = RISKS!Michal Repašský, Bright Renewables B.V., Enschede, The Netherlands
Planning of Biomethane facility. From substrates to Biogas and Biomethane.]CASE STUDIES - SUCCESS STORIES
[example of presentation:
Leonardo Benuzzi, Sartori Ambiente Srl, Arco, Italy
From collecting waste to collecting data: A digitalisation journey towards the bin as a waste meter.Florian Ennemoser & Armin Wolf, Wiegon GmbH, Landeck, Austria
The future of the recycling center is digital.Kornelia Giersig, Innsbruck University Hospital, Innsbruck, Austria
Case Study: Managing healthcare (and related) waste in a large hospital – Constant observation and adaption of procedures are the keys to success.Peter Pajerchin, BRANTNER Slovakia s.r.o., Bratislava, Slovakia
The Center for Energy and Biological Waste Recovery (CEBZ) – Bold idea execution in Slovak conditions.]HOT TOPICS
[example of presentation:
Roman Hubálek, TOMRA Sorting s.r.o., Senec, Slovakia
Automatic optical sorting of separated and mixed municipal waste.]

Pavel Bureš
Energy financial group a.s.
Prague • Czech Republic

Mgr. Katarína Kretter
Head of PR & Marketing
ENVI – PAK, a.s.
Bratislava • Slovakia

Euston Ling, BE(Chem), MBT, FCIWM
Head of Technical Assurance for the North London Heat & Power Project
North London Waste Authority
London • UK

David Newman
European Bioeconomy Bureau
Brussels • Belgium

Mgr. Jozef Semančín, LL.M.
Managing Partner
Bratislava • Slovakia

Dipl.-Ing. Martin Steiner
TBU Environmental Engineering Consultants
Innsbruck • Austria

Gabriela Stuchlá
NMC spol. s r.o.
Žilina • Slovakia

Pavel Bureš
Energy financial group a.s.
Prague • Czech Republic

Mgr. Katarína Kretter
Head of PR & Marketing
ENVI – PAK, a.s.
Bratislava • Slovakia

Euston Ling, BE(Chem), MBT, FCIWM
Head of Technical Assurance for the North London Heat & Power Project
North London Waste Authority
London • UK

David Newman
European Bioeconomy Bureau
Brussels • Belgium

Mgr. Jozef Semančín, LL.M.
Managing Partner
Bratislava • Slovakia

Dipl.-Ing. Martin Steiner
TBU Environmental Engineering Consultants
Innsbruck • Austria

Gabriela Stuchlá
NMC spol. s r.o.
Žilina • Slovakia
Representatives of public institutions, cities, and municipalities responsible for protection of environment and waste management
Representatives of significant waste originators and processors, waste collecting companies, organizations for accountability of producers
(unit: technology, economy, production, and management processes)
Scientific and research organizations, independent experts and specialists participating in significant enviro projects
Institutions participating in financing of enviro projects
September 30, 2024 – Monday
Conference Opening

Gabriela Stuchlá
Conference Manager
NMC spol. s.r.o.
Žilina • Slovakia
Session I – 1
Navigating the Planning Process

Ing. Michal Repašský
Project Manager
Bright Renewables B.V. • Enschede • the Netherlands

David Robert Newman, FCIWM
European Bioeconomy Bureau
Brussels • Belgium
Update on EU Policies – The New Europe: What the Brussels landscape is likely to look like.

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Helga Stoiber
Senior Partner, Engineering & Consulting
UVP Environmental Management and Engineering GmbH
Vienna • Austria
Avoiding a Bumpy Ride: How rigorous EIAs and project communication can pave the way to project success – Insights from three decades Waste-to-Energy permitting in Austria.

Dr. Christian Schreyer
Umbrella Organization of Styrian Waste Management Associations
Seiersberg-Pirka • Austria
Poor Planning Today – Creating Tomorrow’s Mistakes.
A look back at 30 years operation of communal drop-off centers.

Ing. Jozef Richtarčík, MSc.
Consultant and Statutory
Enviconsulting, s.r.o.
Malý Slavkov • Slovakia
The current legislative framework for EIAs in the Slovak Republic – Practical experience, problem areas, key issues, and impacts typically addressed in waste management EIAs.
Coffee Break
Session I – 2
Financing Waste Infrastructure Projects

Mgr. Katarína Kretter, MBA
PR Manager
ENVI – PAK, a.s. • Bratislava • Slovakia

Mgr. Jozef Semančín, LL.M.
Managing Partner
Bratislava • Slovakia
How to talk with banks to get financing on time.
What to do and what to avoid doing.

Mgr. Peter Person
Head of the Modernization Fund methodology department
Environmental Fund
Bratislava • Slovakia
Environmental Fund: Loans & Modernization Fund.

Mgr. Gabriela Šutajová
Director of the Credit Department
Environmental Fund
Bratislava • Slovakia
Loans From The Environmental Fund For Cities, Municipalities And Self‑Governing Regions.

Ing. Michal Hort
Bratislava • Slovakia
Possibilities of grants for the „green“ projects.

Ing. Jozef Halaška
Head of Department Projects Implementation III. (Operational program Quality of the Environment)
The Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic
Bratislava • Slovakia
News in waste management projects support compared to the previous Operational program Quality of the Environment.
Business Lunch
Session I – 3
Monitoring Success of Waste Infrastructure Projects

Euston Ling B.E., MBT, FCIWM
Head of Technical Assurance – North London Heat and Power Project
North London Waste Authority • London • UK

Ing. Pavel Novák
Odpadová poradenská, s.r.o.
Prague • Czech Republic
The Czech Republic is NOT at risk of not achieving EU Waste targets in 2025 – Has our approach to planning gotten us into this situation?

Dipl.-Ing. Martin Steiner
TBU Environmental Engineering Consultants
Innsbruck • Austria
Planning and Implementation of High-quality Disposal Security: Storage for Waste in the Event of a Disaster.

Jarno Stet
Waste & Recycling Manager, Waste & Cleansing
Westminster City Council
London • UK
Waste Collection and Transport Within the City of Westminster, London.
Coffee Break
Session I – 4
Collection and Transport

Jarno Stet
Waste & Recycling Manager, Waste & Cleansing
Westminster City Council • London • UK

Mag. Evelyn Wolfslehner
Head of Department V/2 Law on Waste and Contaminated Sites
Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
Vienna • Austria
Waste from road to rail: Experiences from a long-term project, and outlook – Mandatory rail transport of certain wastes from 2023 in (and through) Austria.

Leonardo Benuzzi
Innovation Manager
Sartori Ambiente Srl
Arco • Italy
From collecting waste to collecting data: A digitalisation journey towards the bin as a waste meter.

Mag. (FH) Armin Wolf
Wiegon GmbH
Landeck • Austria

Konstantins Makejevs
Business Development Manager
Mappost Ltd.
Riga • Latvia
Waste Collection Logistics – Advanced Route and Resource Planning Optimization.
Panel discussion and Q&A on the day’s proceedings

RNDr. Ján Chovanec, MBA
The Association of the Waste Industry of the Slovak Republic
Košice • Slovakia

David Robert Newman, FCIWM
European Bioeconomy Bureau
Brussels • Belgium
End of Day 1
Closing Remarks
Chalet Patria
Friendly evening with lecturers.
October 1, 2024 – Tuesday
Session II – 1
Hot Topics, Case Studies, Success Stories, Lessons Learnt

Ing. Pavel Novák
Odpadová poradenská, s.r.o. • Prague • Czech Republic

Mag. Dr. Kornelia Giersig
Head of the Waste Management Department
Innsbruck University Hospital
Innsbruck • Austria
Case Study: Managing healthcare (and related) waste in a large hospital – Constant observation and adaption of procedures are the keys to success.

Roman Hubálek
Area Sales Manager Czech republic and Slovakia
TOMRA Sorting s.r.o.
Senec • Slovakia
Automatic optical sorting of separated and mixed municipal waste.

Ing. Peter Pajerchin
Sales Director – Strategy & Inovation
BRANTNER Slovakia s.r.o.
Bratislava • Slovakia
The Center for Energy and Biological Waste Recovery (CEBZ) – Bold idea execution in Slovak conditions.

Ing. Roman Vandák
Director of the Commodity Department
ENVI – PAK, a. s.
Bratislava • Slovakia
Separate waste collection of plastics waste and metal packaging after the introduction of the deposit return system.
Coffee Break
Session II – 2
Hot Topics, Case Studies, Success Stories, Lessons Learnt

Dipl.-Ing. Martin Steiner
TBU Environmental Engineering Consultants • Innsbruck • Austria

Ing. Michal Repašský
Project Manager
Bright Renewables B.V.
Enschede • The Netherlands
Planning of Biomethane facility. From substrates to Biogas and Biomethane.

Euston Ling B.E., MBT, FCIWM
Head of Technical Assurance
North London Heat and Power Project
North London Waste Authority
London • UK
Lessons learnt so far on the ongoing journey of implementing a 2,000 tpd WtE facility . . .
Planning, Engineering, Architecture, Environment, Traffic, Consultation, Contracts, and Funding = RISKS!

Martin Tkáč
General Manager
GrECo Slovakia GmbH – organizačná zložka
Bratislava • Slovakia
Insurance – A Matter of Sales or Procurement?

Ing. Matěj Kvapil
Area Sales Manager – Czech Republic, Hungary & Slovakia
Firefly AB
Stockholm • Sweden
Fire prevention of waste processing: Mistakes and solutions.

Gabriela Stuchlá
Conference Manager
NMC spol. s.r.o.
Žilina • Slovakia
Conference closing remarks and thanks
End of experts’ program
Business Lunch
The Conference organizer reserves the right to change the program.
May 20 - July 31, 2024
396 € incl. VAT
May 20 - Aug 31, 2024
456 € incl. VAT
Sept 1, 2024 and later
552 € incl. VAT
Conference fee does not apply to lecturers with expert non-commercial presentation.
2PLUS conference fee valid for 2 and more participants from one organization.
Kindly pay the conference fee according to the document sent to you from the organizers after the registration of your application. The document for tax purposes will be issued on the day of payment.
Conference fee covers access to the conference venue, working materials, refreshments, working lunch, reception.
VAT 20% is not included. Place of delivery: Slovak Republic.
Accommodation and transport is not covered by the conference fee.
The conference fee is non-refundable. In case of absence working materials will be delivered via email. It is possible to appoint a substitute participant.

Registration |
Monday, September 30, 2024 |
8:30 – 9:30 |
Program |
Monday, September 30, 2024 |
9:30 – 18:00 |
Tuesday, October 1, 2024 |
9:30 – 12:30 |
Reception |
Monday, September 30, 2024 |
19:30 Friendly evening with lecturers |

Monday, September 30, 2024 8:30 – 9:30
Monday, September 30, 2024 9:30 – 18:00
Tuesday, October 1, 2024 9:30 – 12:30
Friendly evening with lecturers
Monday, September 30, 2024 19:30

Hotel Patria****
Štrbské Pleso 33
059 85 Vysoké Tatry
GPS: 49° 7′ 28.5″ N. 20° 3′ 40.94″ E
Tel.: +421 -52 7848 999
Room (1 person)
room/ night
Room (2 persons)
room/ night
apartment / night
Accommodation reservation will be made by the organizer.
Prices for accommodation include breakfast, access to Patria Aqua Paradise, internet, parking fee.
Check in: 14:00
Check out: 12:00
Hotel garage: 20 €/day
Local tax: 2,00 € /person / night
The local tax is not included in the accommodation price.
Please indicate the required accommodation in your application.
Accommodation capacity is limited and will be assigned according to the application date.
Reserved rooms are to be paid at the Hotel reception.

Hotel Patria****
Štrbské Pleso 33
059 85 Vysoké Tatry
GPS: 49° 7′ 28.5″ N. 20° 3′ 40.94″ E
Tel.: +421 -52 7848 999
Room (1 person)
room/ night
Room (2 persons)
room/ night
apartment / night
Accommodation reservation will be made by the organizer.
Prices for accommodation include breakfast, access to Patria Aqua Paradise, internet, parking fee.
Check in: 14:00
Check out: 12:00
Hotel garage: 20 €/day
Local tax: 2,00 € /person / night
The local tax is not included in the accommodation price.
Please indicate the required accommodation in your application.
Accommodation capacity is limited and will be assigned according to the application date.
Reserved rooms are to be paid at the Hotel reception.
Krakow Airport (Cracow), Poland Regular flights schedule: www.krakowairport.pl/en/passenger,c70/flight-information,c71/regular-flights-schedule,a181.html Airlines: www.krakowairport.pl/en/passenger,c70/flight-information,c71/airlines,a182.html Vienna International Airport, Austria Regular flights schedule: www.viennaairport.com/en/passengers Airlines: www.viennaairport.com/en/passengers/airport/airlines Košice International Airport, Slovakia www.airportkosice.sk/en Flight schedule: www.airportkosice.sk/en/passengers/flight-schedule Airlines: www.airportkosice.sk/en/airlines Airport Bratislava, Slovakia www.bts.aero/en/ Flight schedule: www.bts.aero/en/flights/flight-schedule-summer-2018/arrivals/ Airlines: www.bts.aero/en/flights/air-carriers/ Airport Poprad – Tatry, Slovakia www.airport-poprad.sk/index_en.php Flight schedule: www.airport-poprad.sk/en/podstranky/cestujuci/letovyporiadok.php
Air-port Transfer
Individual or group transfer can be arranged.
Transfer time from / to:
Airport Cracow, Poland 2:50 hours Airport Vienna – Schwechat, Austria 4:30 hours Airport Košice, Slovakia 2:00 hours Airport Bratislava, Slovakia 3:50 hours
Transfer costs are not included in the conference fee.
Information on price and details of Air-port transfer is available from the organizer.
Hotel Patria is located close to Štrbské Pleso in High Tatras and can be accessed by road from Poprad through the town of Starý Smokovec or Štrba.
Using highways and high speed roads in Slovakia is charged through an electronic vignette.
(more information on www.eznamka.sk/en)
Vignettes for 2024
12,- € / 10 days
17,- € / 30 days
60,- € / 365 days
Cars are obliged to have the lights on during the day.
Maximum speed limits
within city: 50 km/h
outside of city: 90 km/h
highway: 130 km/h
0,00 ‰
Train station is located in the town of Štrbské Pleso, 20 minutes to walk from the Hotel Patria. Changing station for international trains are “Poprad – Tatry” and “Štrba”.
Rail carriers
České dráhy
Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko
Leo Express
Transfer from / to train station can be arranged.
Transfer costs are not included in the conference fee.
Krakow Airport (Cracow), Poland Regular flights schedule: www.krakowairport.pl/en/passenger,c70/flight-information,c71/regular-flights-schedule,a181.html Airlines: www.krakowairport.pl/en/passenger,c70/flight-information,c71/airlines,a182.html Vienna International Airport, Austria Regular flights schedule: www.viennaairport.com/en/passengers Airlines: www.viennaairport.com/en/passengers/airport/airlines Košice International Airport, Slovakia www.airportkosice.sk/en Flight schedule: www.airportkosice.sk/en/passengers/flight-schedule Airlines: www.airportkosice.sk/en/airlines Airport Bratislava, Slovakia www.bts.aero/en/ Flight schedule: www.bts.aero/en/flights/flight-schedule-summer-2018/arrivals/ Airlines: www.bts.aero/en/flights/air-carriers/ Airport Poprad – Tatry, Slovakia www.airport-poprad.sk/index_en.php Flight schedule: www.airport-poprad.sk/en/podstranky/cestujuci/letovyporiadok.php Air-port Transfer
Individual or group transfer can be arranged.
Transfer time from / to:
Airport Cracow, Poland 2:50 hours Airport Vienna – Schwechat, Austria 4:30 hours Airport Košice, Slovakia 2:00 hours Airport Bratislava, Slovakia 3:50 hours Transfer costs are not included in the conference fee.
Information on price and details of Air-port transfer is available from the organizer. - BY CAR
Hotel Patria is located close to Štrbské Pleso in High Tatras and can be accessed by road from Poprad through the town of Starý Smokovec or Štrba.
Using highways and high speed roads in Slovakia is charged through an electronic vignette.
(more information on www.eznamka.sk/en)
Vignettes for 2024
12,- € / 10 days
17,- € / 30 days
60,- € / 365 daysCars are obliged to have the lights on during the day.
Maximum speed limits
within city: 50 km/h
outside of city: 90 km/h
highway: 130 km/hAlcohol
0,00 ‰ - BY TRAIN
Train station is located in the town of Štrbské Pleso, 20 minutes to walk from the Hotel Patria. Changing station for international trains are “Poprad – Tatry” and “Štrba”.
Rail carriers
České dráhy
Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko
Leo Express
Transfer from / to train station can be arranged.
Transfer costs are not included in the conference fee.
NMC spol. s r.o.
Makovického 10
010 01 Žilina, Slovakia
Tel.: +421-903-340539
Tel.: +421-41-5166661
Fax: +421-41-5006977
E-mail: nmc@nmc.sk
Web: www.nmc.sk
Comp. Reg. No. (ID no.): 31639135
Tax Reg. No. (VAT no.): SK2020446890
Company registered in: Business register of the County Court Žilina, Section: Sro, Insert No. 2953/L
Papers Registration Deadline – April 30, 2024
EARLY BIRD Application Deadline – May 19, 2024
Mail your Registration to the address of the organizer by e-mail, fax or mail.
The registration of your application will be confirmed by return mail with the conference fee payment document (pro forma invoice).
NMC spol. s r.o.
Makovického 10
010 01 Žilina, Slovakia
Tel.: +421-903-340539
Tel.: +421-41-5166661
Fax: +421-41-5006977
E-mail: nmc@nmc.sk
Web: www.nmc.sk
Comp. Reg. No. (ID no.): 31639135
Tax Reg. No. (VAT no.): SK2020446890
Company registered in: Business register of the County Court Žilina, Section: Sro, Insert No. 2953/L
Papers Registration Deadline – April 30, 2024
EARLY BIRD Application Deadline – May 19, 2024
Mail your Registration to the address of the organizer by e-mail, fax or mail.
The registration of your application will be confirmed by return mail with the conference fee payment document (pro forma invoice).
Hotel Patria****, Štrbské Pleso, Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia
GPS: 49° 7′ 28.5″ N. 20° 3′ 40.94″ E
English, Slovak, Czech
English → Slovak
Slovak / Czech → English
Hotel Patria****, Štrbské Pleso, Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia
GPS: 49° 7′ 28.5″ N. 20° 3′ 40.94″ E
English, Slovak, Czech
English → Slovak
Slovak / Czech → English